sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2022

Time travel to the future

Traveling through time... is something that I think 90% of people have thought about and wanted to do, but we still don't have that technology. I began to think about what I would do if it really existed and the truth is that I would like to travel to the future, knowing how bad we are with global warming, it intrigues me how the human being will be able to continue existing. One of my childhood dreams has been to be able to fly with a Jetpack, for this reason I would move forward approximately 100 years with the hope that they have already been invented and so I can try them on that trip to the future.

I also dream that there is a "better life" in Chile, that the laws have been changed, to see a better quality of life in this country, to observe people in the streets being happy. For these reasons I would like to travel back in time and give myself hope that better and great things are coming, apart from that, perhaps they will make me want to start a family, have children, because the truth is that at this moment I'm quite discouraged to see how things are going. world, that everything is ending, I'm afraid to bring someone to life so that they end up suffering in a few more years for the little food or water that there is.
That said, I really wouldn't want to stay in that "future" I would like to use that machine to travel, see how the world will be, try things like that Jetpack :D and then go back to my time and continue with my life.

sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2022

My Dream Job

To begin with... as a child I´ve been a girl who has really liked video games and I like to spend hours in front of a screen, I'm already used to it, it's like my comfort zone.
For this reason I would like to work as a designer, which is the career I´m currently studying. I would like to work editing videos, photos or 3D modeling, I really like learning about it and creating things related to it. If I was asked to sit in front of a screen for long hours at work, I wouldn't mind at all, because I'm used to it.

I would love to be able to work for a company and that the modality be telecommuting, that they ask me to design the new image of a campaign or a company, design the logo, make publications for the networks, design things, etc.
My dream would be to work in another country, be it France, the United States, Spain, places where I can learn even more about my area and fill myself with new knowledge and experiences.

TRUE! I haven't told you why I started studying Design, the truth is that at school I had two options, one was to study design and the other was architecture, because I loved painting, I really liked drawing and arts Besides, I was doing well in math, but finally I decided on design.


When I stayed at the University of Chile, I thought it would be something extraordinary to look at, green spaces, areas to rest, beautiful i...