sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2022

My Dream Job

To begin with... as a child I´ve been a girl who has really liked video games and I like to spend hours in front of a screen, I'm already used to it, it's like my comfort zone.
For this reason I would like to work as a designer, which is the career I´m currently studying. I would like to work editing videos, photos or 3D modeling, I really like learning about it and creating things related to it. If I was asked to sit in front of a screen for long hours at work, I wouldn't mind at all, because I'm used to it.

I would love to be able to work for a company and that the modality be telecommuting, that they ask me to design the new image of a campaign or a company, design the logo, make publications for the networks, design things, etc.
My dream would be to work in another country, be it France, the United States, Spain, places where I can learn even more about my area and fill myself with new knowledge and experiences.

TRUE! I haven't told you why I started studying Design, the truth is that at school I had two options, one was to study design and the other was architecture, because I loved painting, I really liked drawing and arts Besides, I was doing well in math, but finally I decided on design.

2 comentarios:

  1. your dream job sounds really interesting, I hope you can follow your dream until you achieve it.

  2. All well covered. Lexical issues encountered in previous posts have been solved.



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